Epäorgaanisten Rakenteiden Kierrätys

06.22, 2022

The author of the recording is media artist Ilya Minin (Eli). His work, in his own words, is characterized by "an unstable auditory series with a vivid aura" - this is indeed true.

Epäorgaanistenrakenteidekierrätys (Recyclization of Inorganic Structures) serves as a retrospective of the period when the project existed as a semi-hermetic autobiographical narrative - a story about the self, told for the self.

The record is characterized by subtle work with sound, non-linear mood swings and vague curtsies towards electroacoustics and American avant-garde. However, what attracted us to it in the first place was its overpowering strangeness. This is a characteristic of overheard conversations, the essence of which you can't fully understand, but that makes them even more interesting.

The album is also a reminder of the fragility of the past, which is twisted by the events of the present. An important figure in the creation of the story tracks is the author's friend from Kiev (he also drew the cover). The lost contact with him in recent months is not a metaphor, but a very concrete rupture in the fabric of individual life. Such ruptures are felt by many people after the outbreak of war.

sound programming & edit: Ilya Minin (Eli)

design & cover: Romaner